
E2 - Is energy consumption related to parking areas taken into account? How can we deduct energy consumption linked to recharging facilities for electric or rechargeable hybrid vehicles (IRVE)?

First of all, it should be remembered that floor areas designed for vehicle parking are not taken into account when assessing whether or not a company is subject to the provisions of the tertiary sector decree (See A11 -Technical premises and parking areas). However, once a building or group of buildings is subject to the decree, the surface area of parking areas for motorized and non-motorized vehicles is taken into account in terms of energy consumption.

Enclosed and covered parking areas

Energy consumption linked in particular to lighting, ventilation and smoke extraction is effectively taken into account. For this reason, the segmentation of activities includes a "Parking" category with two sub-categories:

- Underground parking area with mechanical ventilation ;

- Superstructure parking area (silo with natural ventilation).

Open-air parking areas (uncovered parking lots)

Open-air parking areas are not covered by the scheme as a matter of principle, as they do not fall within the scope of buildings. The only energy consumption that can be linked to these parking areas is lighting or IRVE consumption (see below).

Open-air parking areas attached to buildings can be lit in two ways:

- Or from projectors or street lighting luminaires (the technical term used by the project manager) when parking spaces are adjacent and close to the building. In this case, their operation is linked to the use of the buildings, and the corresponding energy consumption is integrated into the other electrical consumption (solutions can be implemented to limit their impact: LED lighting, timed cut-off).

- Or from a network of street lighting columns (lamp posts), which are part of the external electrical installations (NF C 17-200). In general, these installations have a control cabinet and a specific metering point. If they are connected to the building's power supply (NF C 15-100), they must have a specific feeder (NF C 17-200) on which a sub-meter can easily be installed.

Energy consumption linked to IRVE

The legislative text (last paragraph of I of article L. 174-1 of the CCH) stipulates that " Energy consumption linked to the recharging of all electric and rechargeable hybrid vehicles is deducted from the building's energy consumption and is not included in the reference consumption ".

The deduction of energy consumption linked to IRVEs will only be taken into consideration on the basis of metering. No theoretical estimate of energy consumption based on the number of charging stations, their power and their rate of use (with a factor of expansion) will be taken into consideration. 

To be more precise, this energy consumption must be linked either to a delivery point specific to the IRVE (reference to a PDL number), or to sub-metering. Insofar as the IRVE is connected to the building's low-voltage main switchboard (TGBT), this feeder is specific and it is possible to have sub-metering from this electrical installation feeder(see the accompanying guide for more details).