
E4 - Are renewable energy contracts taken into account?

Renewable energy contracts are not taken into account when meeting carbon targets. In fact, the basic principle of the scheme to reduce energy consumption in commercial buildings is to reduce energy consumption, whether from renewable or non-renewable sources. At national level, the objective remains to halve all final energy consumption by 2050.

The guarantee of renewable origin should not be seen as an entitlement to over-consumption, because while renewable energy production is virtuous, we need to be proportionately vigilant about the impact of production facilities on the environment if no effort is made to reduce energy consumption.

The main objective of this scheme is therefore energy sobriety and consistency with the national low-carbon strategy.

For the assessment of greenhouse gas emissions, no distinction is made between electricity with a "guarantee of renewable origin" and electricity without a guarantee of renewable origin (Cf. principle of energy sobriety).